“Nothing, God?”

“Nothing, God?”

“For nothing is impossible with God.”

I could almost bet that you’ve heard this verse somewhere at sometime.  But, do you know who said it?  I asked around to see what the consensus is.  Most everyone I surveyed said it was the Apostle Paul.  I would have replied the same, but that’s not the correct answer.

I have heard many fellow believers quote this verse for comfort and encouragement, and we never question its truth, or do we?  Of course, God can do anything He wants to.  We know He is a good God.  We believe He has our best interests at heart as well as acting to bring Himself glory. 

But, do you ever doubt it just a little bit? 

Do you wonder if it is simply a hopeful statement to keep us going when life gets difficult?  Does it ever seem trite?  I’d have to say “yes” to all three questions.

So, here’s the good news.   We can believe it—completely, with no hesitation.  No doubt.  No fear.

This statement was made to the Virgin Mary by none other than the angel Gabriel when he foretold the birth of the Messiah, Jesus. (Luke 1:37-NASB)

What does this mean for us? 

Think about who the angels are.  They are beings created by God for His purposes.  They do not have a will like humans do.  They exist to serve and glorify Him. 

Gabriel (sometimes titled archangel) would never speak anything but the truth.  He has a perspective of the Father that we won’t have until we get to Heaven.  Angels “see” God clearly and don’t have to imagine what He is capable of.  For us, we live by faith because we don’t have true sight as of yet.  That’s not the case for an angel.

We read earlier in the first chapter of Luke the words of Gabriel to Zechariah, a priest who was serving in the temple at the time.  Gabriel told him that his elderly wife, Elizabeth, would soon have a child.  Zechariah questioned how he could be certain of such a preposterous claim.  Gabriel’s answer clarifies the matter:

“I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news.” – Luke 1:19 (NASB)

So, I thought to myself…

“Who would question the proclamation of an angel, a messenger sent from God?”

The books of Matthew and Mark both tell the story of when Jesus spoke with a rich young ruler who questioned him.  He wanted to know what he needed to do to attain eternal life.  With Jesus’ answer the man became discouraged and went away grieving.  The disciples, too, questioned Jesus for an explanation.  He explained to them that eternal life cannot be attained by man’s doing:

And looking at them Jesus said to them, “With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” – Matthew 19:26 (NASB)

These passages are so encouraging to me!  Not only do we believe that God can do whatever He pleases; but when someone who stands in God’s presence, hears His words, and does His bidding proclaims that nothing is (or shall be) impossible with God, I had better believe. 

My doubts fall away and dissolve.  I don’t want to be corrected by an angel; do you?


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