The Lost Art of “Visiting”

The Lost Art of “Visiting”

When was the last time you set your table, made fresh coffee or tea, and sat down with a friend to simply visit?  (Even typing this makes me want to rearrange my schedule so I can do this soon.)

Ladies, we were made to have friends — girl friends.  We were wired to want to spend quality time chatting.  Even the most introverted one of us still needs this kind of relationship, even if it’s only one lady we connect with.  Unfortunately, we schedule our lives too fully to give ourselves this time.  We begin to consider it a “luxury” or we avoid it because we are afraid of it somehow.   Would you agree that we can do better?

Make time, girls!  You’ll wonder why you’ve been missing out on it all along.

But wait a second; I’m not referring to just a quick cup at the local coffee shop.  These opportunities are great, but can’t compare to making room in your life.   Try welcoming a friend into your home and making the preparations yourself.  There is a great sense of joy in setting out a favorite mug or cup and saucer, finding a little treat to enjoy, and even setting a table if you can.  It doesn’t take long, nor does your house need to be perfectly clean and organized.  (That used to be my excuse!)

Your purpose is to focus on the other person, share your life with her, and make the time to listen back.

Momma was a pro at this.  She had her group of lady friends, and they knew the importance of “visiting.”  No matter what was going on in their lives, they had a place of friendship, fellowship, and peace for an hour or so.  These ladies became my “aunts,” and were the same women who modeled what it was to be a godly wife and mother.  Many spent time with me one on one, and even taught me skills like knitting and crocheting.  Momma made sure I knew what “community” was all about.

So, what are you waiting for??

Need a quick recipe for something to share??

I’ve got you covered!    This Cream Cheese Coffee Cake is fast to put together and doesn’t require much of anything that you might not have in your kitchen…except maybe the Bisquick.

Bisquick??  Not homemade from scratch??  Nope.  Momma was an exceptional baker, but she also taught me that it’s okay to use a few “store-bought” things on occasion.  Bisquick was one of her favorites.  She could have made her own baking mix from scratch to have on hand, but she didn’t see the need.  I’d bet a million dollars that those who tasted what she made never knew she used a mix, because she knew how to dress it up and make it delicious.  Coffee cakes remind me of her; Momma made many varieties long before the muffin/cupcake craze began.

So, girls, invite a friend over.  Make her feel wanted, special, and heard…and try out this yummy treat.



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2 thoughts on “The Lost Art of “Visiting””

    • Becky,

      Praise God for words that refresh our soul! Thank you for commenting, and for your friendship. You are a great example of a mom who seeks after the Lord and models your faith to your daughter. May you also be a “second mom” to many as K grows.

      Love you!

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