Mary’s “Second Mom”

Mary’s “Second Mom”

Throughout the world, the Christian church has always recognized Mary the mother of Jesus as the most remarkable mother in the Bible.  We have Scripture verses that give us a glimpse of who she was and the role she played in Jesus’ story on Earth, 

Every Girl Needs a BFF!

Every Girl Needs a BFF!

Girls, you need a best friend!  (If you don’t believe that, think again!) Allow me to tell you my story… In a tiny, rural town in Northern California lived a little, chubby, redheaded girl.  She lived with her kind, aging parents in the country.  Her 

Small, but Mighty

Small, but Mighty

Becoming a married woman includes for most of us gaining a mother-in-law.  Yep, we do marry our husband’s family when we marry him…  Let me tell you a little about my “Mom.”  (You’ll know I mean my mother-in-law because I’ll always call my own mother, 

The Lost Art of “Visiting”

The Lost Art of “Visiting”

When was the last time you set your table, made fresh coffee or tea, and sat down with a friend to simply visit?  (Even typing this makes me want to rearrange my schedule so I can do this soon.) Ladies, we were made to have 

Where Shall We Begin?

Where Shall We Begin?

Ladies, I can hardly believe the time is here for the launch of this website and blog.  I have very mixed emotions, but am stepping out in faith as I open up more of who I am to you all.  After much prayer and thought, 

Disaster:  Lost Recipes!

Disaster: Lost Recipes!

Disaster hit in August of 1985– when my husband Gary and I moved to Aberdeen, Scotland. We were more than excited for a new beginning as he enrolled in his doctoral program at the University of Aberdeen-King’s College.  We were going to spend three years